Chill-Rite 32
Chill-Rite is an engineering and manufacturing corporation specializing in the manufacture of complete draft beer dispensing systems. Chill-Rite is the original solutions manufacturer. The design of our systems has changed the industry from accepting warm, problematic draught beer to expecting ice cold...PERFECT beer.
Chill-Rite History Located in Slidell, LA, Chill-Rite is a family owned and operated business that specializes in long draw beer dispensing systems. We build full systems that are engineered to be the finest quality and most service and user friendly in the industry. Started as a refrigeration service company in 1968 that developed a niche servicing refrigeration decks on fountain machines, Chill-Rite evolved as a remanufacturing and redistribution facility for fountain equipment and soda systems. Chill-Rite Mission Our mission is to build draught beer dispensing equipment that is innovative, easy to install, maintenance free, and truly superior in quality and performance to the competition. Our patented systems guarantee 32 degree beer at the faucets with no exceptions. We are the only manufacturer in the industry with such capabilities.
Our advanced technology gives Chill-Rite the opportunity to:
- Customize a system to your exact application - Guarantee results and remain very competitive on pricing
What is the CHILL-RITE 32 difference? We are often asked, “What makes CR different and better than the competition?" The difference is that our beer systems dispense the keg beer at 32 degrees regardless of the keg temperature in the walk-in. Simply put, the kegs may be 40, 50, 60+ degrees in the walk-in cooler and the Chill-Rite beer system will reduce that temperature in the lines to 32 degrees. With that much temperature control, the draft beer does not pour any excess foam. The operator gets every drop of beer from the keg and pours virtually NO WASTE! The operator will dramatically increase his / her profits from selling draft beer when that beer is dispensed through a Chill-Rite beer system. Furthermore, we guarantee that the beer will pour at 32 degrees or it’s FREE!
Chill Rite’s glycol chillers are the most efficient refrigeration systems being built in the industry today. Our refrigeration technology allows us to offer the operator precision in temperature control and ultimate profitability potential. The competitor’s systems are designed to simply maintain keg temperature from cooler to taps – they have no capability to reduce the beer temperature. Chill Rite has the capacity to reduce the beer temperature to 32 degrees regardless of starting keg temperature...That’s a big deal in beer dispensing!